Patient's First Name |
Patient's Last Name |
Email |
Today's Date |
Date of Birth |
Sex |
Height |
in. |
Weight |
lbs. |
Primary care physician |
Primary care physician phone |
Referring physician |
Referring physician phone |
Other physicians consulted |
Other physicians consulted phone |
When did your pain start? |
How did your pain start? |
Describe the Problem |
Briefly List |
Treatments tried |
Injections tried |
Medications tried |
Physical therapy tried |
Have you had any previous... |
Describe where your pain is on your body |
Please indicate on a scale of 0-10 what level your pain is,
0 = no pain, 10 = unbearable pain |
In the last 2-3 weeks, how often has your pain occured? |
What does your pain feel like? (check all that apply) |
Other, please describe:
What has been used to treat your pain? (check all that apply) |
How many times have you been to the ER for pain control over the last 3 months?
Other, please describe:
What increases your pain? (check all that apply) |
Other, please describe:
What decreases your pain? (check all that apply) |
Other, please describe:
Does your pain keep you from falling asleep at night? |
Does your pain awaken you at night? |
What is your goal for treatment at the Pain Center?
(For example: What are the activities you would like to do if the pain was better controlled?) |
Do you have any other comments about your pain, not already noted here? |
Do you have any numbness? |
Do you have any weakness? |
Do you have any changes in your bowel/bladder? |
Past and Present Medical Problems |
What are your past or current medical problems? (check all that apply) |
Heart Disease |
Rheumatic Fever |
High Blood Pressure |
Lung Disease |
Bronchitis or Pneumonia |
Asthma |
Liver or Gall Bladder Problem |
Hepatitis |
Peptic Ulcer Disease |
Colitis |
Pancreatitis |
Bladder or Kidney Disease |
Arthritis |
Diabetes |
Thyroid or Other Endocrine Disorder |
Anemia or Blood Disease |
Bleeding Disorder |
Tumor or Cancer |
Neurological Disease |
Seizures |
Stroke |
Tension Headache |
Migraine Headache |
Drug Addiction or Alcoholism |
Chemical Dependancy Treatment |
Mental or Nervous Disorder |
Other |
Please list all the medications you are allergic to and/or have had problems tolerating. Briefly list the specific allergy or problem which occured. |
Diagnostics - What diagnostic studies, such as xrays, CT scans, MRI's, myelograms, EMG's(electromyogram), or bone scans have been done within the last 5 years? List below, including type of study, date completed, which part of the body was studied, and the hospital or office where the study was performed. For example: MRI - 2001 - low back - Sparrow
Physicians, psychologists, or healthcare professionals involved in your care - List all physicians and mental health professionals you have consulted (including those for non-pain complaints):